Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Muy future job

As a future food engineer I would like to work in the food industry, initially working in a big company to better understand the world of work and then I would like to create my own company, maybe with friends and the developmen of new food products, although possibly in the beginning we win few money,but after i hope win millons. For this reason, working indoors would not be a problem for me.

I would like to travel a lot, hopefully to other countries to learn new ways of feeding and bring them to Chile, as is the case of foods that replace meat that is very limited today and in other countries are very varied

Even so i do not know in that area I could specialize, but one of the things that i would most like to do is to developen food to base of what is not use of them as the case of the peels, to make the most of fruit or vegetables such as nutshells that are nowadays voted in the trash, can become other food such as flour, a example of this is ciruelax, it was created with peels of plums

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


With the help of genetics it has been possible to modify the food for that these have new characteristics, although in my career I do not make transgenic foods, I must know his new characteristics to be able to work with them.
Resultado de imagen para alimentos transgénicos beneficios

In the beginning I thought these were very bad, but in a job that I did for university I learned that they have many benefits for the world, one of them is that they solve problems that have always existed such as losing whole crops because of pests, droughts, diseases or other environmental factors, also benefits the environment by decreasing the amount of insecticides, all this achieves a better and higher production, increasing the economy of a country, however not everything is wonderful, it also has its disadvantages, due because transgenic seeds are infertile, this means that it can not be reproduced, for this reason farmers must be constantly buying seeds, depending on transnational companies and this is another problem since there are currently only 3 companies in charge of this industry creating almost a monopoly and with this there is no free competition nor a free choice at the moment of buy.

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The transgenic  are already in Chile in foods such as cereals and soybeans, and in the future with new technologies there could be many more in Chile and the world.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

My summer happiness

In my life I  never have had a pet because some of them like my mom does not like them or that there is not enough space in my house, however that does not mean that I have not had a friendship with a pet.

Generally in the summer holidays I go to the house of some uncles in the countryside, where there are always animals, they have had many dogs and cats, because near that house there is a road where the vehicles pass a lot of speed and usually run over them, even so  with one of the most shared with a dog called “Perla”, she is in the family since 7 years, I like to spend time with her because she is very playful, I have taught her some tricks such as sitting and shaking hands, and I'm surprised that every summer that I go, she remember  do those things, it is very faithful and accompanies me to many places whenever I go out, as on the occasions that I climb a hill that is near to the house and accompanies me until the final

She has given birth many times so she has had a little more of 30 puppies in her whole life although they do not always manage to survive all the first weeks, and my uncles usually stay with only one or two and the others give them away

Here is a picture of the puppies that she had this summer

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

my dear concert

Resultado de imagen para cumpleaños fonda permanente 2018I like so much the music, but one of the kind that more a I like is the “Cumbia”, is for this that one of better concert that I went was the birthday of Fonda Permanente, it was this year in January.I had never been to the hippodrome and I thought it was the same that the hippy club ,I went with two friends  from my university. In this concert sing Artist as Santa Feria, Guachupe, Villa cariño, Chico Trujillo, amar azul  and many more

Imagen relacionada
This started around 2 of the afternoon and ended at 4 of the morning, with two scenarios. despite lasting several hours, during all the time I felt  a climate of fun and joy was maintained,  is for this that I would  like going back every year, but the sad of next years is that el the day the show goes I am going to have test so I will not be able to go. But the good  is that they are every year, so I will have more opportunities to go.

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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

my wish of travel

unlike other people, I have not had the opportunity of travel so much, I have not  traveled to a country outside of Chile (it is the country where I live), is for this reason  that visit other country is one of my big wishes

the western culture has always called me more attention than Oriental culture because the customs in the East are very different, perhaps not for them but for me yes.

Resultado de imagen para coliseo romanoOne of the countries that I would like to visit is Italy for its architectural beauty, such as the pisa tower, which is a different tower from the others because is it inclined, another fantastic monument is the Roman Coliseum that was built in the 1st century and it still standing, i would like its famous gastronomy like Neapolitan pizza or pasta but its in your origin.

Another country that I would like to travel is Germany, this country catches my attention for your great history, beautiful cities and great technology, and I think it would be a great place to study a postgraduate, even to stay and work in this country  because my career  engineering in food is much more advanced than here in Chile, it is also one of the countries with better quality and higher beer production an area where I can work at ease, the only bad thing about this country is its language that is very difficult
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