Wednesday, October 3, 2018

my wish of travel

unlike other people, I have not had the opportunity of travel so much, I have not  traveled to a country outside of Chile (it is the country where I live), is for this reason  that visit other country is one of my big wishes

the western culture has always called me more attention than Oriental culture because the customs in the East are very different, perhaps not for them but for me yes.

Resultado de imagen para coliseo romanoOne of the countries that I would like to visit is Italy for its architectural beauty, such as the pisa tower, which is a different tower from the others because is it inclined, another fantastic monument is the Roman Coliseum that was built in the 1st century and it still standing, i would like its famous gastronomy like Neapolitan pizza or pasta but its in your origin.

Another country that I would like to travel is Germany, this country catches my attention for your great history, beautiful cities and great technology, and I think it would be a great place to study a postgraduate, even to stay and work in this country  because my career  engineering in food is much more advanced than here in Chile, it is also one of the countries with better quality and higher beer production an area where I can work at ease, the only bad thing about this country is its language that is very difficult
Resultado de imagen para cerveza gif


  1. I would like to go to the oktoberfest in germany

  2. I would like to know the pisa towers too, we can be together like a very good friends! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I also like beer haha ツ and Germany...
