Wednesday, October 24, 2018


With the help of genetics it has been possible to modify the food for that these have new characteristics, although in my career I do not make transgenic foods, I must know his new characteristics to be able to work with them.
Resultado de imagen para alimentos transgénicos beneficios

In the beginning I thought these were very bad, but in a job that I did for university I learned that they have many benefits for the world, one of them is that they solve problems that have always existed such as losing whole crops because of pests, droughts, diseases or other environmental factors, also benefits the environment by decreasing the amount of insecticides, all this achieves a better and higher production, increasing the economy of a country, however not everything is wonderful, it also has its disadvantages, due because transgenic seeds are infertile, this means that it can not be reproduced, for this reason farmers must be constantly buying seeds, depending on transnational companies and this is another problem since there are currently only 3 companies in charge of this industry creating almost a monopoly and with this there is no free competition nor a free choice at the moment of buy.

Resultado de imagen para monopolio transgenicos

The transgenic  are already in Chile in foods such as cereals and soybeans, and in the future with new technologies there could be many more in Chile and the world.


  1. People think that the transgenic are bad for health, that is something that shoulds be changed

  2. oh! I thought that the transgenic food was bad for the health! thanks for informing me

  3. Transgenic foods may be what we all are waiting for to solva starvation and malnutrition around the world.
