Wednesday, October 17, 2018

My summer happiness

In my life I  never have had a pet because some of them like my mom does not like them or that there is not enough space in my house, however that does not mean that I have not had a friendship with a pet.

Generally in the summer holidays I go to the house of some uncles in the countryside, where there are always animals, they have had many dogs and cats, because near that house there is a road where the vehicles pass a lot of speed and usually run over them, even so  with one of the most shared with a dog called “Perla”, she is in the family since 7 years, I like to spend time with her because she is very playful, I have taught her some tricks such as sitting and shaking hands, and I'm surprised that every summer that I go, she remember  do those things, it is very faithful and accompanies me to many places whenever I go out, as on the occasions that I climb a hill that is near to the house and accompanies me until the final

She has given birth many times so she has had a little more of 30 puppies in her whole life although they do not always manage to survive all the first weeks, and my uncles usually stay with only one or two and the others give them away

Here is a picture of the puppies that she had this summer

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