Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Muy future job

As a future food engineer I would like to work in the food industry, initially working in a big company to better understand the world of work and then I would like to create my own company, maybe with friends and the developmen of new food products, although possibly in the beginning we win few money,but after i hope win millons. For this reason, working indoors would not be a problem for me.

I would like to travel a lot, hopefully to other countries to learn new ways of feeding and bring them to Chile, as is the case of foods that replace meat that is very limited today and in other countries are very varied

Even so i do not know in that area I could specialize, but one of the things that i would most like to do is to developen food to base of what is not use of them as the case of the peels, to make the most of fruit or vegetables such as nutshells that are nowadays voted in the trash, can become other food such as flour, a example of this is ciruelax, it was created with peels of plums


  1. Food Engineering is really interesting!

  2. It would be grat to have your own business or company, it is a great goal

  3. Could you create food that makes the people lose weight? Please! haha
