Wednesday, December 5, 2018

my last blog :(

When I knew that I was going to have English at the University, I thought it was going to be the same as in school, learning English again of traditional way , with all its structures, however it was not so, if not rather, was  apply the knowledge that already had, an example of this was to make blogs, I must admit that it was a nice experience  write blogs, it was a different way of learning English, more creative and entertaining than usual, writing about what we think, sharing our opinions among classmates, also of interesting topics that we ourselves choose.

With this experience I not only learned more, I also learned to use a different means of opinion and information that can be seen not only by classmates also by anyone in the world.

Despite the English that I learned these semesters, I feel that I still have a lot to learn, so I will have to do it on my own but not necessarily with classes, if not in more fun ways like watching movies or listening to more songs in English, reading books (in English obviously), all this for increase my knowledge about this language.

Currently, there is not much English that I occupy daily, only sometimes I use it in the moments that I have read instructions in English for to assemble something o for I know how it works, also in moments that I find  with English memes, even though they do not have a high variety of words, it  help me learn new words or how to use phrases

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Wednesday, November 28, 2018

change in the curriculum

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It  difficult for something to remain the same over time, this generally change and create new needs, becoming a kind of snowball that does not stop, an example of this is the technological advance, which can be observed with each new phone that  sale every year.

The way of learning or teaching is another example of how things change over time, as is the case of the career that I am currently studying (food engineering), they do not teach it in the same way as in the beginning, even until only 3 years ago it change the curriculum, removing and adding new  subjects, so for this reason, I think that is very possible that in the near future it will change again
In faculty there are many  subjects that is hard to understand because they are very theoretical, and to improve this could be better explained with the help of technology, applying new teaching methods.

 If I could  to change the curriculum, I would like them to eliminate subjects that are not  necessary, for example, calculation 3, which requires only one unit of this subjects, this unit could be added in calculation 2.

I would also like that the specific subjects of each career have more specific laboratories for each one of them, and with this, increase the infrastructure of the university.

Another aspect that would be good to change is to reduce the academic load (which is very stressful), decrease the prerequisites, which in some cases are unnecessary and the annual classes become semi-annual (at least those of the first 3 years), and with this achieve a lower delay in terms of the end  of each career.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

my opinions about...

For each question there is an answer that is usually accompanied by a personal opinion, in today's blog, I will give my opinions about different questions of a social nature.
Here goes the first

What is your opinion about Chilean politicians?

Resultado de imagen para parlamento chilenoChilean politics has much to improve because most politicians are people who have been in office for many years and still are not a great contribution to the growth of the country, in my opinion they are re-elected only because of the fact that people do not know anyone else or they have afraid of change
Another error of Chilean politics is that the left questions the right (and vice versa) for their actions, but when they have power, all these questions or new ideas do not apply or end up not working, creating false expectations for people , making them feel a strong rejection towards any politician

What is your opinion about immigration?

 All developed countries have high rates of immigrants, this is why immigration serves a country like Chile, so that it can develop better, but first must have updated laws for immigration
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What is your opinion about recycling?

Resultado de imagen para efecto invernaderoNot all the existing materials in the earth are renewable, also in the present many things are disposable and thrown away, this is why recycling is very important.

What is your opinion about climate change?

There has always been a climate change in the land, but, only since the nineteenth century this has changed very fast due to the greenhouse effect, and this has been caused only by the human, for this reason the duty of all people to prevent the greenhouse effect Keep growing.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

cartoons, tv series and anime

Imagen relacionadaWith nexflit I have had the opportunity to see many series and among one that I liked the most was Vikings, which is about the history of how the "Vikings", coming from the Nordic countries were going to loot the countries they had near por example England or France . Thanks to this series I have been wanting to visit these Nordic countries, also it is a great topic of conversation since the Vikings are part of the story, but not only of this series can you talk with friends or other people but also can talk about other television series, animes or cartoons, that we find interesting or remind us of our childhood.

When I was child I watched animated films in vhs, I had many movies of this type, we saw movies almost every day with my sister, we saw them so many times that even i learned the dialogues of some movies were seen, although most of the movies that we had were disney , one of my favorites was the ice age 1 and of the 5 existing the first one is still my favorite, I must admit that the child that appears in the first movie, I would have liked that it had appeared in another sequel.

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Not only did I watch animated films, I also watched anime or cartoons that played on Saturdays and Sundays in the morning on TV or those that broadcast on the chilevision channel in a program called invasion, or those that came out on the ucv channel at night , I remember I looked forward to those TV shows because I did not have cable TV so I only watched national channels.

I also liked to see dragon ball z that I think everybody knows about this anime and to this day I feel a deep emotion when listening to their openings and that is still active to this day. But I must admit that the anime that most attracts my attention at the moment is shingeki no kyojing, that is originally a manga and it is more advanced than the anime, but I do not like read mangas so I wait every week for each episode new.
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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

magister? postgraduate?

I am currently studying the career “engineering in food” and I am in the second year, so thinking about a postgraduate I still see it as something far away, although the option that I like most now is possibly to do a master's degree in food science in the university of chile (the same university in which I am currently studying).

This magister is about deepening within the area of research and production of food, since a food engineer has only general knowledge about food as well as of administration or operation of an industry.

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It is difficult  obtain a scholarship to study a postgraduate degree in Chile, for this reason if I study a postgraduate it would be a part-time course, working and studying at the same time, to be able to afford the postgraduate

Although I like this magister, what I would really like to do is study a postgraduate degree abroad, to learn about the food area from another perspective, like that of a more developed country, hopefully with a scholarship since I plan to live in that country while studying the graduate I still do not know in which country because I have not investigated much, but possibly this is a country with a different language like English, for this reason learning this language is very important for me

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Muy future job

As a future food engineer I would like to work in the food industry, initially working in a big company to better understand the world of work and then I would like to create my own company, maybe with friends and the developmen of new food products, although possibly in the beginning we win few money,but after i hope win millons. For this reason, working indoors would not be a problem for me.

I would like to travel a lot, hopefully to other countries to learn new ways of feeding and bring them to Chile, as is the case of foods that replace meat that is very limited today and in other countries are very varied

Even so i do not know in that area I could specialize, but one of the things that i would most like to do is to developen food to base of what is not use of them as the case of the peels, to make the most of fruit or vegetables such as nutshells that are nowadays voted in the trash, can become other food such as flour, a example of this is ciruelax, it was created with peels of plums

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


With the help of genetics it has been possible to modify the food for that these have new characteristics, although in my career I do not make transgenic foods, I must know his new characteristics to be able to work with them.
Resultado de imagen para alimentos transgénicos beneficios

In the beginning I thought these were very bad, but in a job that I did for university I learned that they have many benefits for the world, one of them is that they solve problems that have always existed such as losing whole crops because of pests, droughts, diseases or other environmental factors, also benefits the environment by decreasing the amount of insecticides, all this achieves a better and higher production, increasing the economy of a country, however not everything is wonderful, it also has its disadvantages, due because transgenic seeds are infertile, this means that it can not be reproduced, for this reason farmers must be constantly buying seeds, depending on transnational companies and this is another problem since there are currently only 3 companies in charge of this industry creating almost a monopoly and with this there is no free competition nor a free choice at the moment of buy.

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The transgenic  are already in Chile in foods such as cereals and soybeans, and in the future with new technologies there could be many more in Chile and the world.