Wednesday, November 28, 2018

change in the curriculum

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It  difficult for something to remain the same over time, this generally change and create new needs, becoming a kind of snowball that does not stop, an example of this is the technological advance, which can be observed with each new phone that  sale every year.

The way of learning or teaching is another example of how things change over time, as is the case of the career that I am currently studying (food engineering), they do not teach it in the same way as in the beginning, even until only 3 years ago it change the curriculum, removing and adding new  subjects, so for this reason, I think that is very possible that in the near future it will change again
In faculty there are many  subjects that is hard to understand because they are very theoretical, and to improve this could be better explained with the help of technology, applying new teaching methods.

 If I could  to change the curriculum, I would like them to eliminate subjects that are not  necessary, for example, calculation 3, which requires only one unit of this subjects, this unit could be added in calculation 2.

I would also like that the specific subjects of each career have more specific laboratories for each one of them, and with this, increase the infrastructure of the university.

Another aspect that would be good to change is to reduce the academic load (which is very stressful), decrease the prerequisites, which in some cases are unnecessary and the annual classes become semi-annual (at least those of the first 3 years), and with this achieve a lower delay in terms of the end  of each career.