Wednesday, November 14, 2018

cartoons, tv series and anime

Imagen relacionadaWith nexflit I have had the opportunity to see many series and among one that I liked the most was Vikings, which is about the history of how the "Vikings", coming from the Nordic countries were going to loot the countries they had near por example England or France . Thanks to this series I have been wanting to visit these Nordic countries, also it is a great topic of conversation since the Vikings are part of the story, but not only of this series can you talk with friends or other people but also can talk about other television series, animes or cartoons, that we find interesting or remind us of our childhood.

When I was child I watched animated films in vhs, I had many movies of this type, we saw movies almost every day with my sister, we saw them so many times that even i learned the dialogues of some movies were seen, although most of the movies that we had were disney , one of my favorites was the ice age 1 and of the 5 existing the first one is still my favorite, I must admit that the child that appears in the first movie, I would have liked that it had appeared in another sequel.

Resultado de imagen para gifs de la era del hielo
Not only did I watch animated films, I also watched anime or cartoons that played on Saturdays and Sundays in the morning on TV or those that broadcast on the chilevision channel in a program called invasion, or those that came out on the ucv channel at night , I remember I looked forward to those TV shows because I did not have cable TV so I only watched national channels.

I also liked to see dragon ball z that I think everybody knows about this anime and to this day I feel a deep emotion when listening to their openings and that is still active to this day. But I must admit that the anime that most attracts my attention at the moment is shingeki no kyojing, that is originally a manga and it is more advanced than the anime, but I do not like read mangas so I wait every week for each episode new.
Resultado de imagen para shingeki no kyojin


  1. Shingeki is a very good manga (and anime too), but I prefer the manga, when I finished the anime I couldn't wait for the second season so I had to read the manga.

  2. I WANT TO WATCH VIKINGS, the people says that it is very good.

  3. they all tell me to see Vikings, but I don't know, it doesn't convince me

  4. Shingeki no kyojing started being an interesting anime, but now the truth not is that think the way that being carried, but I still see it

  5. Vikings is awesome, I'd like to keep seeing it, but there's no many time for his chapters of 1 hour :c
