Friday, August 3, 2018

My subject 

Whith only 3 semesters in the university I have not had a favorite subject, but there is one that I liked more than the others. General chemistry laboratory is a subject that I had in the second semester of my career, it taught, as its name says “the general chemistry” that we learned in previous subject, but in the laboratory, for example crystallization, ph calculation.
Because we worked in the lab, the sections could not be big, so the number of students for section was around 30.

The practical work was in pairs so if you did not understand something at all you could consult at you partner and learning to work as a team.

 What I liked about this subject is that being in the laboratory the classes were more practical than theoretical, because in my opinion working with chemicals and the materials that they require is more fun than just reading them in a book and imagining what happens although these can be dangerous to health as some acids that can irritate the skin.

Resultado de imagen para gifs laboratorio


  1. I also think that the practical is funny although sometime is difficult!!jajaja

  2. I don't like chemistry lab, this subject was very stress for me :(
