Sunday, July 29, 2018

The scientist that I admire

Resultado de imagen para Clair PattersonSince the beginning of science this has been affected for religious or economic reasons, causing a technological delay or being harmful to human health.

In history there have been many scientists who have given important battles but one of the that most i  admire is Clair Paterson. He was a geochemist who was born on June 22, 1922 in Mitchellville, Iowa.

While he was studying for a doctorate at the University of Chicago he discovered the age of the earth and the solar system, but in this search he 
discovered the high levels of lead present in those years, a chemical element that generates numerous symptoms in our body, what can trigger even death.

Resultado de imagen para industria petroleraThe low cost, the ease, the malleability of lead made it an element of common use, in pipes, paints, food packaging and in gasoline. Paterson led a war against the lead in which he suffered the threats, the loss of prestige and the wrath of the big industry, especially the oil company that even hired scientists for abolish his scientific studies, in which the human being had once again put ahead the economic benefit to human health and environmental pollution.

After nearly 25 years of struggle, Patterson's studies convinced the Environmental Protection Agency, that in 1973 ruled in his favor, determining the progressive reduction of lead in fuels completely in 1986.

I admire Clair Pattterson, because he not only managed to date the birth of the Earth and the Solar System,  also demonstrated that health is more important than money.

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  1. Wow I didn't know about this geochemist. His history about the lead is interesting. Every day you learn something new.

  2. I also didn't know this geochemist, I'm really surprised of everything he discovered.

  3. every day we are learning new things from science
