Sunday, July 29, 2018

The scientist that I admire

Resultado de imagen para Clair PattersonSince the beginning of science this has been affected for religious or economic reasons, causing a technological delay or being harmful to human health.

In history there have been many scientists who have given important battles but one of the that most i  admire is Clair Paterson. He was a geochemist who was born on June 22, 1922 in Mitchellville, Iowa.

While he was studying for a doctorate at the University of Chicago he discovered the age of the earth and the solar system, but in this search he 
discovered the high levels of lead present in those years, a chemical element that generates numerous symptoms in our body, what can trigger even death.

Resultado de imagen para industria petroleraThe low cost, the ease, the malleability of lead made it an element of common use, in pipes, paints, food packaging and in gasoline. Paterson led a war against the lead in which he suffered the threats, the loss of prestige and the wrath of the big industry, especially the oil company that even hired scientists for abolish his scientific studies, in which the human being had once again put ahead the economic benefit to human health and environmental pollution.

After nearly 25 years of struggle, Patterson's studies convinced the Environmental Protection Agency, that in 1973 ruled in his favor, determining the progressive reduction of lead in fuels completely in 1986.

I admire Clair Pattterson, because he not only managed to date the birth of the Earth and the Solar System,  also demonstrated that health is more important than money.

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Sunday, July 22, 2018

The music for me

Music is a way for human to express themselves, so finding a person who does not like music is very difficult, even impossible, in my case I am a lover of music. I listen to all kinds of music but it depends on the mood I have or if it is morning, afternoon or night, all this influences when choose what kind of songs I want to listen to, although I prefer to listen to songs that have energy.

Resultado de imagen para arctic monkeysThe musical styles that I like  most are cumbia and rock, chilean bands like "Santa Feria and "Ases Falsos", "Los bunkers" or international bands like "Artick Monckeys"  and whenever I can I go to their concerts. Reggaeton is a style of music that I like for parties or dancing but unlike the other styles I do not like how it sounds live
Resultado de imagen para ases falsos concierto

Music is also an important factor in movies because it gives them more emotion or you can listen to a song and it reminds you of a movie you saw ,I  like the soundtrack of the movie Pirates of the Caribbean, I think it gives more magic to the movie, i like also really  is the song "sigo aqui"  by Alex Ubago in the movie "El planeta del tesoro"

Resultado de imagen para gifs pirates of caribbean

In addition to listening to music, I also play instruments such as ukulele, melodica, acoustic and electric guitar, and I would also like to be part of a band and play covers or make our own music.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

A memory in a photo

When I and my 3 best friends from the school, We finish the last year of school, we wanted travel somewhere together, so we went to a friend's house in Cartagena in the summer of 2017, we occupied that house just to sleep and in the day,  we went to other beaches that it were to  few kilometers from there, how the Tabo and the Quisco, this photo was taken by my friend called Felipe with your phone. that day we walked from the beach of Cartagena to Las Cruces, It took us 2 hours to get from one beach to another, We went by day and came back at night . While we were watching how the sun was hiding in the sea and the sky went from having an orange color to being totally dark only illuminated by the stars and the moon, when i watch this photo i feel the tranquility of that moment, the magic of the sea and the happiness of the first travel with my friends .