Saturday, July 21, 2018

A memory in a photo

When I and my 3 best friends from the school, We finish the last year of school, we wanted travel somewhere together, so we went to a friend's house in Cartagena in the summer of 2017, we occupied that house just to sleep and in the day,  we went to other beaches that it were to  few kilometers from there, how the Tabo and the Quisco, this photo was taken by my friend called Felipe with your phone. that day we walked from the beach of Cartagena to Las Cruces, It took us 2 hours to get from one beach to another, We went by day and came back at night . While we were watching how the sun was hiding in the sea and the sky went from having an orange color to being totally dark only illuminated by the stars and the moon, when i watch this photo i feel the tranquility of that moment, the magic of the sea and the happiness of the first travel with my friends .

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