Wednesday, December 5, 2018

my last blog :(

When I knew that I was going to have English at the University, I thought it was going to be the same as in school, learning English again of traditional way , with all its structures, however it was not so, if not rather, was  apply the knowledge that already had, an example of this was to make blogs, I must admit that it was a nice experience  write blogs, it was a different way of learning English, more creative and entertaining than usual, writing about what we think, sharing our opinions among classmates, also of interesting topics that we ourselves choose.

With this experience I not only learned more, I also learned to use a different means of opinion and information that can be seen not only by classmates also by anyone in the world.

Despite the English that I learned these semesters, I feel that I still have a lot to learn, so I will have to do it on my own but not necessarily with classes, if not in more fun ways like watching movies or listening to more songs in English, reading books (in English obviously), all this for increase my knowledge about this language.

Currently, there is not much English that I occupy daily, only sometimes I use it in the moments that I have read instructions in English for to assemble something o for I know how it works, also in moments that I find  with English memes, even though they do not have a high variety of words, it  help me learn new words or how to use phrases

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